Chaldean Community Foundation



Chaldean News Logo

Civil Liberty Advocates

Michael J George Chaldean Loan Fund

The Chaldean Chamber of Commerce is comprised of engaged and energetic members who provide support with the following committees. For more information about joining one of the Chamber committees, please call us at 248-851-1200 or send an email to info@chaldeanchamber.com.
The Chaldean Professional Network is where young entrepreneurs, recent graduates, and experienced professionals come together to promote education and unity while encouraging the entrepreneurial spirit and work ethic for which Chaldeans are known. This group is inclusive, promoting educational and professional opportunities for all Chaldeans. The committee goal is to lead, inspire, and mentor through networking events and educational forums with well-known business leaders and top CEOs.
The Chaldean Chamber Political Action Committee (PAC) is tasked with enhancing the community’s influence in Lansing on issues that affect the Chaldean community and businesses. The mission of the Chaldean Chamber PAC is to put community and member concerns foremost in legislators’ minds. The Chaldean Chamber PAC has supported both Chaldean and non-Chaldean candidates across party lines who are pro - business and sympathetic to the concerns of the Chaldean community. Meets quarterly and hosts one fundraiser per year.
The Chaldean Chamber Civil Liberty Advocates Committee was created in an effort to quell the growing practices of prejudice and discrimination. The CLAC is tasked with the intake, addressing, investigating and resolving of formal complaints concerning discriminatory acts submitted by members of the community. The mission of the CLAC is to serve as frontline advocates and the voice for those that have been oppressed through unjust practices.
The Finance Committee assists with budgeting and forecasting. Meets bi-yearly.
Membership Committee recruits and welcomes new members, serving as ambassador s for the Chamber and assisting with member retention. Meets quarterly.
Dinner Committee helps decide on honorees and sponsorship ideas for this annual event. Usually comprised of previous years’ honorees and representatives of major sponsors. Meets 3-5 times per year .
Golf Outing Committee helps obtain auction items and sponsorships for this annual golf event and assists with selling raffle tickets. Meets 3-5 times per year.
Business Luncheon Committee helps decide on and secure speakers for the annual luncheon. Meets twice yearly.
2075 Walnut Lake Road
West Bloomfield, MI 48323
Don’t hesitate to contact Sana, our membership director at the link below or by calling 248.851.1200
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